
How to Draw Wildflowers Into A Bouquet

How to draw wildflowers with lavender, black eyed Susans, wild sweet peas and chicory flowers. Wildflowers are everywhere! They are exactly what they say- Flowers that grow out in the wild. They have become a part of many people’s aesthetics, which is wonderful!  Wildflowers are simple and beautiful. They tend to have small blossoms and […] Read more…

How to Draw a Tulip With A Stem & Leaf

How to draw a tulip step-by-step with a stem and leaf. Artists, today we are drawing a tulip! Perfect for spring and Easter cards coming up.  Tulips are one of the first flowers to bloom in Spring. They are a burst of color with simple lines and come in THOUSANDS of colors. You can literally […] Read more…

How To Draw A Shamrock With Hearts

How to draw a shamrock with two simple shapes. Today we are drawing a Shamrock just in time for St. Patrick’s day and it couldn’t be easier. A shamrock is 2 made up of just 2 simple shapes, a heart and a rectangle. Supplies for drawing and coloring shamrocks Supplies you’ll want to have on […] Read more…

How To Draw A Feather With Color

Today we are going to learn how to draw a feather with coloring and how to make it look wispy & naturally fun! There are so many different kinds of feathers. Think about it, there are thousands of birds and each of those birds could have several different kinds of feathers! Phew! Don’t be nervous, […] Read more…

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